
The Conscious Eating Coach

Welcome to "Have it // Made it // Want it Wednesday," a space where we come together to explore the realms of Eating Psychology, Mindful & Intuitive Eating, Meal Planning, and Culinary Nutrition.

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Everything you need to get ready for the holidays!

Dear Reader, Introducing.... I know, I know. It’s still just the middle of October. But you know what’s just a few weeks away? The beginning of peak holiday season. Halloween kicks off a very busy few months for all of us, so it never hurts to get ahead and work on organizing and planning as much of those upcoming festivities as possible. Imagine yourself…this could be the year you actually enjoy the holidays instead of feeling like the busiest elf in Santa’s workshop. To that end, I have...

Dear Reader, Ever notice how the pull of instant gratification—like grabbing that bag of chips when you’re stressed or eating ice cream after a long day—feels impossible to resist? That’s limbic friction at work. Your limbic system is the brain’s emotional center, driving automatic behaviors (aka System 1 thinking). It’s fast and instinctive, but when it comes to building sustainable food habits, this friction can derail us from our goals. Limbic friction is the mental tug-of-war between what...

Dear Reader, How much of your day is spent doing what you need to do versus what you want to do? Chances are, it’s pretty skewed. Most of us are consumed by the daily grind—laundry, school drop-offs, commuting to work—with much less time for the things we actually enjoy. If I had a 100% “want” day, it would include a yoga class, a delicious vegan lunch (made by someone else, of course), and an afternoon filled with spa treatments, music, and time with my favorite people. The daily grind can...

bunch of shallots

Dear Reader, As the days get shorter and the air gets crisper, it’s the perfect time to update your self-care routine to align with the new season. If you’re someone who experiences Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), this is especially important. Making small but intentional shifts in how we care for ourselves can have a profound impact on our mood, energy levels, and overall well-being as the colder months roll in. Here are six simple ways to help you feel more grounded, cozy, and connected...

Dear Reader, One of the core principles I teach my clients who are just starting to incorporate healthier foods into their diets is the "yes, and" approach. Rather than saying "no" to certain foods because they're processed or not considered healthy enough, we say "yes, and." Want a muffin? Great! Have an apple with it. Craving some classic cold cereal? Awesome—add berries and flax seeds on top. The idea is to “buffer” whatever you’re eating with a protein, healthy fat, and/or fiber...

Dear Reader A lot of people tell me they’re “all or nothing” when it comes to eating and exercise. It makes sense—we’re conditioned to think in extremes: success vs. failure, good vs. bad, happy vs. sad. But few of us naturally operate in the gray areas, especially when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Our food culture complicates this. We swing between extreme restriction or overeating. We either run miles after a workout or sit on the couch, feeling stuck. The challenge is that...

Dear Reader The wait is over! The Healthier Mom Bundle-Fall Edition is officially live, and I couldn’t be more excited to share this with you. From today until September 13th, you can sign up and get access to over 50 amazing resources valued at over $2500—all for free! Our bundle host Vanda from Wellness with Vanda made sure this bundle is packed with everything you need to promote your overall wellness, including: The Happy Kitchen Meal Planner The Not-so-Healthy Comfort Food Cookbook...

Dear Reader We all crave motivation—the surge of excitement that pushes us to take action. But for many, it’s fleeting, unreliable, and often vanishes as quickly as it arrives. We chase it, only to find it slipping away, showing up sporadically when we’re desperate or at rock bottom. But there’s a better way: momentum. Momentum is that powerful force that keeps you moving once you’ve taken the first step. Unlike motivation, it doesn’t rely on willpower or sheer force. It’s like a boat gliding...

Dear Reader I'm sharing about 2 completely free and packed with goodness for fellow Mom's this week and next! Amazing free event #1 The Healthier Mom Bundle - Fall Edition Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood and wish you had more time and energy to focus on yourself? I get it—being a mom is a full-time job, and taking care of yourself can sometimes feel impossible. That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce you to the Healthier Mom Bundle-Fall Edition, curated...

Dear Reader Stress sucks, right? Not, necessarily all the time. In fact, there is a whole field of research on Hormetic stressors and how seeking them out can foster resiliency. Hormetic stressors work by challenging the body in small, manageable ways, forcing it to adapt and become stronger. When exposed to these mild stressors, the body activates survival pathways that repair and strengthen cells, improve metabolic processes, and build up resilience to more significant challenges. This is...