{HMW} Upgrade Your Snacks: The 'Yes, And' Approach to Nutrient Boosting

Dear Reader,

One of the core principles I teach my clients who are just starting to incorporate healthier foods into their diets is the "yes, and" approach. Rather than saying "no" to certain foods because they're processed or not considered healthy enough, we say "yes, and." Want a muffin? Great! Have an apple with it. Craving some classic cold cereal? Awesome—add berries and flax seeds on top. The idea is to “buffer” whatever you’re eating with a protein, healthy fat, and/or fiber component. This gentle, gradual approach helps introduce nutrient-dense foods without the need to restrict or eliminate the ones you enjoy, because they can still have a place in your life.

Here are 10 ways you can start "yes, and-ing" your snacks and meals to boost their nutrient density.

🫛Add a sprinkle of cacao nibs to your smoothie for antioxidants and magnesium.

🫛Mix a handful of pumpkin seeds into your trail mix for added zinc and healthy fats.

🫛Top avocado toast with microgreens or sprouts for an extra dose of vitamins and fiber.

🫛Spread hummus on cucumber slices and sprinkle with sesame seeds for extra protein and calcium.

🫛Add nutritional yeast to popcorn for a cheesy flavor packed with B vitamins.

🫛Stir spirulina powder into your favorite dip or smoothie for a boost of iron and protein.

🫛Toss a handful of berries into your salad or yogurt for added antioxidants and vitamin C.

🫛Blend spinach into your fruit smoothie for a subtle, nutrient-packed green addition.

🫛 Mix tahini with honey as a dip for apple slices to increase calcium and healthy fats.

🫛Add a dash of turmeric and black pepper to your roasted nuts for anti-inflammatory benefits.

These options are easy, quick, and can elevate everyday snacks with an extra punch of nutrients!

What would you add? Write me back and tell me how you buffer and yes, and your own meals!

Have it:

Interesting article alert: Harvard's findings on stretching for energy and longevity

This bad-boy just arrived yesterday and I'm using it tonight. It's so sharp that it's already cut the leather sheath it comes with.

Made it:

This week's 5-Senses Sunday is a sensory treat! 🍽️👃👂👀✋

Taste: I’m loving the This is Taste podcast, perfect for fellow food trend enthusiasts! 🎧
Scent: Ever felt an instant connection with someone? Pheromones might be at play! 👃
Sound: Bats use echolocation to navigate the dark—an incredible reminder of sensory adaptation. 🦇
Touch: The Mimosa pudica plant folds its leaves when touched. Nature's magic! 🌱
Sight: Plate color can influence how and what we eat. Have you noticed this? 🍽️🎨

What’s sparking YOUR senses this week?

Want it:

Just learned about this cool AI generated meal planning assistant. You simply check out your fridge and pantry, see what you've got, add at least 5 ingredients into the app and voila! It generates dozens of recipes for you. I definitely want to try this out.

Ingredient Spotlight:


Cherimoya, often called the "custard apple," is a tropical fruit native to the Andes and known for its creamy, custard-like texture. It has a green, scaly outer skin and soft, fragrant white flesh inside, dotted with black seeds. Cherimoya has a sweet, fruity flavor, often described as a blend of banana, pineapple, and mango with a hint of vanilla. The fruit is best eaten fresh, scooped right out of its skin, but it can also be blended into smoothies, added to fruit salads, or used as a topping for yogurt or desserts. Due to its delicate texture, cherimoya is typically enjoyed raw, though it can also be lightly grilled for a caramelized treat. Just be sure to avoid eating the seeds, as they are inedible.

Even though it's more of an exotic fruit, you can find them in most grocery stores or through instacart.

Here are some more cherimoya inspo.

Announcements & Upcoming:

No new bundles, podcast announcements or summit collaborations this week. :-(

But on a personal note, I'm over the moon to learn that my youngest daughter auditioned for and made the high school a capella group!

Go Treble Rebels!

As a proud alumni of my college a capella group, Spur of the Moment (see my shining review for the album we recorded below) I am particularly delighted that she's following in my musical foot steps. I still sing in the shower by the way.

(psst. my maiden name was Jacobs back then.)

Extra Bytes:

What I'm Reading: We Are Water, by Wally Lamb

What I'm Watching: This fascinating video on how our brains are biased by default

What I'm Listening to: Just learned about this podcast, This is Taste, which is all about food, home cooking and food trends!

What I'm Eating: Kenyan Braised Collard Greens with Spiced Tofu & Fried Peanuts

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a happy and healthy hump day!



The Conscious Eating Coach

Welcome to "Have it // Made it // Want it Wednesday," a space where we come together to explore the realms of Eating Psychology, Mindful & Intuitive Eating, Meal Planning, and Culinary Nutrition.

Read more from The Conscious Eating Coach

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