{HMW} Limbic Friction: Why Your Brain Sabotages Your Eating Goals

Dear Reader,

Ever notice how the pull of instant gratification—like grabbing that bag of chips when you’re stressed or eating ice cream after a long day—feels impossible to resist? That’s limbic friction at work. Your limbic system is the brain’s emotional center, driving automatic behaviors (aka System 1 thinking). It’s fast and instinctive, but when it comes to building sustainable food habits, this friction can derail us from our goals.

Limbic friction is the mental tug-of-war between what we want to do versus what we know is better for us. The good news? You can train your brain to shift from autopilot (System 1) into deliberate, logical thinking (System 2) to make better decisions around food. Here are 3-5 easy strategies to get started:

1. Name the Craving

Instead of acting on the impulse to eat, pause and name the craving (e.g., “I’m craving chips because I’m stressed”). Naming the emotion or desire engages System 2, allowing you to acknowledge your feelings without giving in immediately.

2. The 10-Minute Rule (Also, what I call the Stop-Look-and-Listen Method)

When your brain is fighting limbic friction, give yourself 10 minutes before acting on a craving. During this time, do something else—go for a walk, drink water, or stretch. This brief delay allows your brain to shift into problem-solving mode.

3. Micro-Decisions

Start small. If preparing a full healthy meal feels overwhelming, break it down into micro-decisions (e.g., “I’ll chop one vegetable”). Tackling tiny tasks can lower limbic resistance and make it easier to continue.

4. Use Temptation Bundling

Pair a healthy habit with a treat for your brain. For example, only listen to your favorite podcast while meal prepping or allow yourself to listen to your favorite music while eating a balanced dinner. This trains your brain to associate positive rewards with healthier habits.

5. Visualize the Long-Term Benefit

Take a moment to visualize how you’ll feel after making a healthier choice. Imagining the sense of accomplishment and well-being associated with better habits shifts the brain into future-oriented thinking, a hallmark of System 2.

By working through the moments of friction between impulse and intention, you can make more thoughtful choices that support long-term success with food and health. The key is creating space for mindfulness and small, manageable shifts that train your brain to engage in more deliberate, balanced decision-making.

If you're ready to start working on your relationship with food using mindful eating techniques, neuroscience-based tools, culinary nutrition and gentle accountability, let's chat. Book a free 15-minute get-to-know-you sesh, here.

Have it:

If you get frustrated scrolling through paragraphs of notes and preamble before getting to the recipe you want on the food blog, this is for you!

Interesting Article Alert: 8 simple, science-backed ways to instantly boost your motivation

Made it:

🎃This Healthy(ish) Halloween Snacks and Apps Recipe bundle 👻

New Substack: Why You Shouldn't Glorify your Former Self

Opposite Day: 5-Senses Monday - the 5 things that offended my senses this week

Want it:

These flavors look truly unique & delicious, and a great option if you're practicing Sober October.

This is local to me in Boston but I love this premise of an "Art Pharmacy" and hope other cities adopt this.

Ingredient Spotlight:


What is the correct method to extract the delectable pistachio from it's shell? As many techniques as there are for eating corn on the cob, I imagine.

But, no matter what method you use, I think we can all agree there is some special magic inside that shell.

Small but mighty, pistachios are a powerhouse of nutrition and flavor. Packed with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and protein, they make a satisfying snack and can help support cholesterol levels. Their subtle sweetness and crunch are perfect for adding to both sweet and savory dishes. Try tossing them into salads for a pop of texture, blending them into pesto for a unique twist, or sprinkling chopped pistachios on desserts like yogurt parfaits, cakes, or even ice cream for an extra crunch!

As always, here's some pistachio inspo for you.

>>>If you make something featuring the ingredient spotlight, send me a pic and let me know via email and I'll send you a special free gift.<<<

Announcements & Upcoming:

Introducing the Mom's Total Wellness Swag Bag—a FREE bundle packed with over 50 handpicked resources designed to help you thrive in every aspect of your life. From nutrition and fitness to parenting tips and home management, we’ve got you covered.

Coming Next Week:

Ultimate Bundles A Year of Holidays Bundles

Also next week...

The Sassy Single Woman Bundle...

More info on both of these coming Monday...watch your in-box.

Extra Bytes:

What I'm Reading: Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

What I'm Watching: Colin from Accounts - Season 2!

What I'm Listening to: This Be More Focused + Reduce Stress & Anxiety with SMR Isochronic Tones Mix

What I'm Eating: Taco Pizzas with Black Beans & Mojo Rojo Tofu

That's it for me this week! I hope you all have a happy and healthy hump day!



The Conscious Eating Coach

Welcome to "Have it // Made it // Want it Wednesday," a space where we come together to explore the realms of Eating Psychology, Mindful & Intuitive Eating, Meal Planning, and Culinary Nutrition.

Read more from The Conscious Eating Coach

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