Have it🌟made it 🌟 want it 🌟 Wednesday

Dear Reader,

It's been a long time since I've said goodbye to dieting and diet culture and said hello to mindful & intuitive eating. It's changed my life for the better in so many ways. One way I healed my fraught relationship with food was to learn how to become a "dietary detective" for my own body taking in consideration all aspects of health, psychology and previous eating experiences, not to mention my lifestyle.

Here are just 5 practices I adopted that have helped me immensely and help my clients every day.

Notice which foods make you feel energetic and which ones weigh you down or make you feel bloated. You may find that there are surprises here. We all have unique microbiomes and physiology. Start making a list of the nutrient dense foods you love that also make your body feel great.

Eat in a slow, deliberate and mindful way so that your body has a chance to process and integrate information vital to knowing if you enjoy that food and if it works for your body both in the short term and long term.

Experiment with different methods of cooking a certain food. Meaning, don't give up on a food after just trying it one way. Some foods may be intolerable or unpalatable in its raw form but delicious and digestible cooked. Some just need a perfect sauce or need to have it prepared in a new way for you to enjoy it.

Follow the clues your body gives you - does this food give you pleasure? Is it fairly easy to make? Does it have fat, fiber and protein? Does it comfort you and keep you full for hours? Does it satisfy a sensory craving? Be the detective and follow the clues accordingly.

Divorce yourself of food morality and the “good food, bad food” mentality

Try "neutral eating" which is about exploring which foods are truly best for our bodies rather than relying on research that can often be confusing and conflicting or eating trends that may not work for your unique body.

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Ok, who's ready for a little Have it, Made it, Want it?

Have it:

It was my oldest and dearest friend's 50th birthday this past weekend and I got her this necklace. One for her, one for me - each with our names on them. When we put the two necklaces together it creates a butterfly. Makes a great gift - she loved it.

I appreciated this article on BMI as a mostly flawed and outdated model of determining health.

Made it:

Blog post Nostalgia: How to gently let go of food rules

This incredible plantain fritter dish over pistachio/poblano mole sauce with a tomato and black bean salad.

Want it:

This pink barbie margarita. Who's seen the movie yet?

Ingredient Spotlight:


Fun fact! I was in an a cappella group in college and our first album was randomly named Cantaloupe.

Here's me singing out hit song from the album "Our Lips are Sealed" back in 1995!

Click here to Hear Jenny Sing! (totally botched the lyrics)

Back to cantaloupe the ingredient though. Its my favorite melon and is most definitely not ignored at the bottom of a fruit salad like our friend honeydew is.

When you get a good one each sweet, juicy bite is an experience to behold. Luckily it's also filled to the brim with healthy compounds like beta-carotine, Vitamin c and Folate plus its super high in fiber and very hydrating!

Here is more cantaloupe inspiration for you!

Announcements & Upcoming:

The Christmas in July Bundle is now LIVE! It's time to grab your virtual shopping cart and indulge in the ultimate collection of resources.

For a limited time only, from July 26th to 27th, you can access this bundle of over $2,500 worth of valuable gifts for FREE including my normally $7 recipe database!

All you have to do is click the link to the giveaway, sign up, and go on to download all these amazing free gifts. You’ll get dozens of amazing gifts, and freebies worth $2,500+ from some of the best and brightest in the online industry.

These aren't ordinary gifts either, typically these gifts cost $$ except during this week for our bundle!

You’ll be amazed at how just one goodie, one masterclass training, or even one checklist can be exactly what you need to move you forward and thrive in 2023 & beyond!

See you inside!

That's it for me this week. Have a happy and healthy hump day everyone!



Hi! I'm Jenny Eden Berk

Welcome to "Have it // Made it // Want it Wednesday," a space where we come together to explore the realms of Eating Psychology, Mindful & Intuitive Eating, Meal Planning, and Culinary Nutrition.

Read more from Hi! I'm Jenny Eden Berk

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